ProtectUK publication date
ProtectUK is sharing a safety and security video which has been created for candidates in the upcoming general election.

It highlights where you can access relevant security advice and guidance that may be helpful to you during an election period and beyond, and promotes three key security messages, “be alert, plan ahead, and know what to do”.

At the end of the video, you will be able to click on a QR code to take you to more detailed advice and guidance from relevant websites. Defending Democracy (
Video title

Security video for election candidates

Video file

For more information download Police Security Briefing - General Election 2024 PDF


You can access comprehensive Security guidance for elections - GOV.UK ( 

Updated regularly, this guidance brings together all relevant election security information for candidates, political organisations, Returning Officers and others in local authorities involved in administering UK elections.


Seven principles for safer canvassing: A guide for councillors and candidates:

Principles for safe canvassing:

  • Be prepared: Regularly assess risks, seek available training and support, including advice from local police, parties, or council, and trust your instincts for personal safety during canvassing to ensure a confident and secure approach.
  • Focus on group safety: Whenever possible, canvass in groups or pairs for safety – and because it is more enjoyable! Inform others of your whereabouts if canvassing alone. Prioritise team safety by halting and discussing any incidents that may occur.
  • Actively communicate with the team and set periodic check-ins: Share canvassing plans with the team and trusted contacts, establishing regular check-ins for safety. 
  • Use technology to make canvassing safer: Use available technological aids like wearable devices and tracking apps for mobile phones. Get familiar with their emergency features to enhance safety while canvassing. Familiarise yourself with smartphone security functions beforehand and align technology choices with the risk assessment for canvassing.
  • Be security aware: Prioritise safety and security when canvassing. Try carrying only essentials and avoid going into residents’ homes. When available, follow party do-not-knock lists and update them if you encounter any problem.
  • Keep a record: Maintain a detailed incident log and report any uncomfortable situations encountered while canvassing. Sharing incident reports with both your party and the council/police ensures appropriate awareness and action.
  • Prioritise aftercare and set emergency protocols: Offer team support after any experiences of abuse or intimidation, prioritising aftercare. Debrief sessions should encourage sharing experiences and seeking support, focusing on both positive and negative encounters. Periodically review emergency response procedures.

Seven principles for safer canvassing: A guide for councillors and candidates | Local Government Association

Guidance for Candidate or agent – Candidates and Agents | Electoral Commission

Use the Where Am I and Election type filters to access links to the guidance you need.
Click on the election type you are looking for to access the complete suite of guidance for that topic.
Additionally you can use the optional keyword search to help you find specific pages of guidance.

The Blue Book: A Guide to Personal Security | ProtectUK

  1. National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Guidance for organisations coordinating elections - Guidance for political organisations - Guidance for political organisations - NCSC.GOV.UK 
  2. Security guidance for elections | ProtectUK
  3. Election security for polling stations and counting venues | ProtectUK

Online security information for candidates | ProtectUK