ACT for Education
Actions Counters Terrorism (ACT) for Education e-learning is bespoke training aimed all staff working in education settings and will teach learners how to identify security vulnerabilities, suspici
Education Learning and GuidanceThe Department for Education have worked in collaboration with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) and sector partners to produce a range of free resources that can help all those working in education settings and relevant security leads to understand how to keep learners and staff safe from terrorism and other major incidents.
Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) for Education e-learning is bespoke training aimed at all staff working in education settings (Early Years through to the Further and Higher Education). The seven modules in this course focus on embedding a security minded culture, identifying security vulnerabilities and suspicious activity and responding to incidents using core principles such as Run, Hide, Tell, the HOT Protocol and the power of hello. We recommend you read the Protective Security and Preparedness Guidance for education settings guidance to embed your learning.
The PSHE Association, in collaboration with the Department for Education and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), have improved and relaunched the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) for Youth lesson plans to help young people protect themselves and keep safe in the event of a knife or gun attack. These lesson plans support those working in all education settings to improve how young people respond to attacks. This is aimed at 11–16-year-olds and uses a film and activities to teach them about the three recommended actions to take if caught up in a marauding terrorist attack; RUN to safety, HIDE if they are unable to run, and TELL the police when safe.
This non-statutory guidance offers simple, practical and low-cost steps that settings can take to deter attacks and develop effective plans to keep learners and staff safe in the event of an incident. It is aimed at all those who have responsibilities for keeping learners safe and security leads and includes advice on developing response plans, testing and exercising and communications.
Actions Counters Terrorism (ACT) for Education e-learning is bespoke training aimed all staff working in education settings and will teach learners how to identify security vulnerabilities, suspici
Education Learning and Guidance