This guidance aims to highlight the primary security concerns arising during the ingress and egress phases of venue operations. It will subsequently outline various strategies for mitigating the related risks. Recognising vulnerabilities in these situations and striving to reduce them is a fundamental part of protective security planning and an essential task for those with responsibility for ensuring the safety and security of staff and visitors.

ProtectUK publication date
ProtectUK is sharing a safety and security video which has been created for candidates in the upcoming general election.

It highlights where you can access relevant security advice and guidance that may be helpful to you during an election period and beyond, and promotes three key security messages, “be alert, plan ahead, and know what to do”.

At the end of the video, you will be able to click on a QR code to take you to more detailed advice and guidance from relevant websites. Defending Democracy (

ProtectUK publication date
Following a recent Parliament order, the Terrorgram collective has now been proscribed as a terrorist organisation, making it a criminal offence to belong to the group, or invite support for it.

ProtectUK publication date
Sign up to our next virtual workshop session! Aimed at security professionals or those with protective security decision-making capabilities within businesses and organisations.

ProtectUK publication date
New laws to make sure we are better prepared for, and protected from, terrorist attacks to be consulted on. This will ensure legislation is proportionate and deliverable for smaller businesses. Under the plans, premises will be asked to put in place procedures such as evacuation and lock-ins in an emergency.

ProtectUK publication date
The Security Industry Authority (SIA) launches Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Security e-Learning for security professionals on ProtectUK. 

ProtectUK publication date
Communicating protective security measures can act as a free and highly effective layer of security, but will it scare or reassure your customers? Evidence suggests that it can provoke positive emotional and behavioural responses and deter potential hostiles. 

ProtectUK publication date
Hizb ut-Tahrir has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation. Belonging to or inviting support for the group is now a criminal offence.

ProtectUK publication date
The NTIA Night Time Economy Summit 2024 is an event hosted in Greater Manchester on the 8th and 9th February. The summit hosts over 200 speakers across the three days including international speakers and partners across the hospitality sector.

ProtectUK publication date