… in any place and at any time. ProtectUK can support with guidance and awareness tools, to make sure you and your … terrorism awareness journey.  Consider the advice and guidance in The Blue Book. This is a guide to personal …

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… and NaCTSO shared updates on the evolving threat and the guidance and support on offer for business and security … with the ProtectUK website which offers advice and guidance to businesses and security professionals to better …

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… introducing new concepts of working to continually develop guidance and doctrine around operational response. The first …

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… are a range of measures that can be implemented and more guidance is available here: Marauding Terrorist Attacks … e-Learning provides nationally recognised Counter Terrorism guidance to help people better understand, and mitigate …

ProtectUK publication date
… there are a range of measures that can be implemented; more guidance is available here: Marauding Terrorist Attacks … e-Learning provides nationally recognised Counter Terrorism guidance to help people better understand, and mitigate …

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… indicators to all possible attack methodologies. This guidance from the National Protective Security Authority …

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… is proportionate whilst also being effective. Dedicated guidance and support will be provided to ensure those in … already hosts a range of expert advice, training, and guidance. The standard tier will apply to public premises … apply to education establishments and places of worship. Guidance and training materials will also be available to …

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… of a terrorist attack, remember to follow RUN HIDE TELL guidance which can be applied to many situations and places. … information on how to report, click here.  For advice and guidance relating to health, safety and welfare at events, …

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… (CTSSR) The provisions for Martyn’s Law and associated Guidance are still in development. We believe that there …

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… asks and suggestions in order to develop the advice and guidance provided. Once again, the Security and Policing …

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