… major cautionary tale in counter-terrorism practices is the risk of unintended negative effects’ (2020: 105). This … products precede ACT awareness as this may increase the risk of confirmation bias and/or risk leaving receivers with specific, yet partial knowledge …
… a firearm without needing to utilise a criminal contact or risk detection through importation of an original lethal … a means of acquiring a firearm without criminal contact, or risking detection through illegal importation of a … for firearms focused on their detectability at borders, the risk of them being illegally brought on to planes and used …
… an equally robust response because of the health risks posed to the public. To date, there has been no UK … like all CBRN-related materials, there are inherent risks to those handling them, such as accidental exposure, …
… or negligent rather than malicious, it still posed a risk to manned aircraft. Activity of this type is a criminal …
In this article, we take a look into the latest insights on the threat from Islamist Terrorism.
We look at the threat that organisations and individuals face from Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism (LASIT).
Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism (ERWT) describes those involved in Extreme Right-Wing activity who use violence in furtherance of their ideology. These ideologies can be broadly characterised as Cultural Nationalism, White Nationalism and White Supremacism.