… Does your profession make you or your place of work an attractive target?  Is there information to suggest that you, … purposes, and the same devices used for personal activities are often used for work as well. This means that … to you.  The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) advises travellers to refrain from posting …
… January 26), authorised charges under the Terrorism Act, in addition to explosives and firearms offences.   … following: one offence of engaging in the preparation of an act of terrorism, contrary to section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006 one offence of possessing an imitation firearm with …
… From a UK policing perspective, we are seeing the impact of this conflict through a number of high profile … (JTAC) , and that the events we are seeing unfold will be factored into these considerations.  The UK terrorism threat … Make sure you and your staff have completed the free ACT e-Learning . This is a great point to start your counter …
… trial in relation to terrorism and Official Secrets Act offences. From our initial enquiries, it is believed he …
… offences: Preparation of terrorism section 5 Terrorism Act 2006 Attempt to cause explosion, or making or keeping … with intent to endanger life section 3 Explosive Substances Act 1883 Possession of imitation firearm with intent to cause fear or violence section 16A Firearms Act 1968  The charge under the Terrorism Act relates to …
… of terrorism contrary to Section 57 of the Terrorism Act 2000. He was also found guilty on three counts of making … contrary to Section 4 of the Explosive Substance Act.   Detective Chief Superintendent Olly Wright, Head of … could be the missing part of the puzzle we need – Action Counters Terrorism (ACT).” Along with the manuals …
… platform after its first full year in operation.     The NaCTSO ProtectUK team was on hand throughout the three days … Throughout day two, Wednesday 15th March, the NaCTSO team presented and organised the High Risk Security … on, and how each partner can support one another.  The NaCTSO Business Conference took place on the third and final …
… “However, posting prejudicial information online about an active case could amount to contempt of court and, in the … For more information on what to look out for and how to contact the police, please visit our Action Counters Terrorism website:     In an …
… platform and the up and coming Protect Duty.      The NaCTSO ProtectUK team was on hand throughout the three days … scenarios, having to work on deciding the clearest plan of action in order to gain the best result for your … the floor and in the main room. Throughout day two the NaCTSO team spoke to delegates within the High Risk Security …
… staff at live music venues and festivals to take up Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) e-Learning training to recognise suspicious behaviour, … in refreshing your knowledge on ways to counter terrorism: ACT Awareness e-Learning: The award winning ACT Awareness …