… security fencing to prevent/mitigate Vehicle Borne terrorist attacks (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device … national demand for the NBA to provide protection against terrorist attacks has increased to cover a diverse range of … Government or Private Companies.  The National Vehicle Threat Mitigation Unit (NVTMU) is responsible for the …
… people to develop or gain skills related to assessing CT threats and mitigating actions. We are designing the first … We seek to offer the tools to identify and mitigate threats that your company may face from terrorist activities. We also aim to increase the knowledge …
… they worked together across partner agencies to reduce the threat to life or threat of significant harm. The second exercise was held in … biological, radiological or nuclear attack or plot by a terrorist group or individual lone actor is unlikely, …
… or ongoing risk to the public." "Nevertheless, the UK threat level remains at Substantial and we would always … found here:  Publicly accessible locations guidance   Bomb Threat Guidance    Unattended and suspicious items Marauding Terrorist Attacks (MTA)   ACT e-Learning  – NaCTSO has also …
… indicates, nor any reason to believe that Khalife poses a threat to the wider public, but our advice if you do see him …
… holders have an important job to do to identify potential threats to public safety, including terrorism, due diligence …
… The workshop aims to help your business to recognise threats from terrorism and equip your staff to understand …
… The workshop aims to help your business to recognise threats from terrorism and equip your staff to understand …
… of reports like this one, help police to tackle the terrorist threat.    “We take all reports seriously and will … and vigilance from members of the public in countering the threat from terrorism.  … Man jailed after witness reports …
… of the important part business can play in stopping terrorist activity early. … Asad Bhatti appeared to be a …