… of Premises) Bill sets out the requirements that, under Martyn’s Law, venues and other organisations will have to meet to ensure public safety. ‘Martyn’s Law’ is a tribute to Martyn Hett who was killed alongside 21 others in the …
… putting unnecessary burdens on smaller businesses.   Martyn’s Law will require premises to fulfil necessary but … to help keep the public safe. It is named in tribute to Martyn Hett who was killed alongside 21 others in the … Minister, Tom Tugendhat, said:  “Simple steps save lives. Martyn’s Law will help protect the British public from …
… Security Specialists Register (CTSSR) The provisions for Martyn’s Law and associated Guidance are still in … time. We must also consider any implications arising from Martyn’s Law, if and when it is agreed by Parliament. Every … decisions about the best way for them to be compliant with Martyn’s Law. Businesses should also ensure that they are …
… Engagement Unit to talk about NaCTSO’s commitment to Martyn’s Law and find out how we are supporting businesses …
… where guests can come and talk about NaCTSO’s commitment to Martyn’s Law, and find out how NaCTSO are supporting …
… to also hear from Figen Murray, the leading advocate for Martyn’s Law, who openly shared her personal journey in …
ProtectUK is sharing a safety and security video which has been created for candidates in the upcoming general election.

It highlights where you can access relevant security advice and guidance that may be helpful to you during an election period and beyond, and promotes three key security messages, “be alert, plan ahead, and know…
… Security Group providing information and updates regarding Martyn’s Law.     The event space was filled with innovation … by a session from the Homeland Security Group on a Martyn’s Law update. This was then followed by a panel …
… the support for business and security in implementing Martyn’s Law, and a showcase of the capabilities NaCTSO has …