Businesses and the public can now complete the new ACT Awareness e-Learning with refreshed modules, mobile optimisation and improved accessibility.
Communicating protective security measures can act as a free and highly effective layer of security, but will it scare or reassure your customers? Evidence suggests that it can provoke positive emotional and behavioural responses and deter potential hostiles. 
Following the vast amount of interest after our previous Workshop Wednesdays, we now have two new Workshop Wednesdays that you can register your interest in.
There’s a wealth of advice available to event organisers and security staff to ensure that everyone can enjoy themselves.
To ensure our response and coordination across policing and with our partners is the best it can be in the event of a terror attack, we are continually learning and refining our skills.
Understanding terrorist targeting is an essential part of our efforts to protect the public and prepare against the threats we face.

To further explore this area, NaCTSO commissioned Coventry University to investigate whether a prominent risk assessment framework, known by the acronym ‘EVIL DONE’, can be used to identify attractive…
You may have seen reports in the media this week about a man from Surrey, who was reported to Counter Terrorism Policing after IT repair men noticed suspicious content on his laptop. It’s a timely reminder of the important part business can play in stopping terrorist activity early.
This checklist has been created to assist businesses during periods of increased visitor footfall within the retail and night time economy premises, such as the lead up to the New Year and national holidays. During this period we can see a significant increase in the number of people visiting retail and night time economy premises. This checklist…
ProtectUK is sharing a safety and security video which has been created for candidates in the upcoming general election.

It highlights where you can access relevant security advice and guidance that may be helpful to you during an election period and beyond, and promotes three key security messages, “be alert, plan ahead, and know…
In-line with the latest security advice, the National Stakeholder Menu of Tactical Options (‘Menu of Tactical Options’) has been updated to better support businesses with implementing changes to their security management and decision-making processes during periods of increased national threat.