… Premises and events in the Enhanced Tier will be required to take steps to ensure preparedness … for, and protection from, terrorist attacks. The Enhanced Tier will apply to public premises and events (that …
… Premises in the Standard Tier (capacity between 100-799)  will be required to take … for smaller venues.  The updated approach to the standard tier consulted on means that those responsible for Standard Tier premises must: Notify the Regulator that they are, or …
… and with proportionality in mind.  Those responsible for enhanced duty premises and qualifying public events must put …   It is likely that most halls fall within the Standard Tier capacity.    … The role of the regulator is to support … and how to reduce harms as a result of such an attack. Enhanced tier premises and qualifying public events will be …
Martyn’s Law was included in the King’s Speech on 17 July as part of the programme of legislation the Government intends to pursue in the forthcoming Parliamentary session. The draft provisions in the Bill are not yet law and will change.