Welcome to ProtectUK, the information sharing platform. The platform will undergo continuous development and iterative changes as we continue to gain feedback from businesses. During this phase you can contact the ProtectUK team providing feedback around what you like as well as any areas you feel could be improved. Use the feedback form in the box on the left to get in touch. 


Our vision

Our vision

To make the UK the safest place to live and work for all its citizens.

Our mission

Our mission

Through guidance, advice and online learning, we want everyone to be equipped with the
knowledge and confidence to help tackle threats of terrorism.

Who we are

Who we are

Launched in 2022, ProtectUK is a new central hub for counter terrorism and security advice. Whether you’re a business owner, work in security, or are a member of the public, register with ProtectUK to become part of the community and receive the latest news and online courses that will enable you to be better protected.


  1. View the latest advice and guidance: Find the best advice and guidance for you and look through the wide range of documents that are available to you. If interested in looking at how to ensure your business keeps moving, check out Response. Looking for ways to protect your staff and prepare them? Have a look at the Security section. If there are any specific types of guidance that you are looking for that you cannot currently find on our site, please use the feedback form
  2. Perform a risk assessment: Visit the Risk Management Process page and follow the steps to perform a risk assessment, helping you to improve your organisations risk management.
  3. Get interactive: Perform the award winning ACT awareness e-learning to bolster your security knowledge. If you have questions around security or want to increase your knowledge, start a discussion on our forums and speak to other business professionals on key topics. 
  4. Read our news articles: Our news articles will give the latest updates on the world of counter terrorism, threat analysis from our analysts, and general updates on the ProtectUK platform.
  5. Sign up to webinars: Sign up to the webinars we host. Over time we will continue to update the range of webinars that we are offering, allowing you to get live or pre-recorded advice from authoritative voices within the industry, helping you stay on top of the latest in counter terrorism and security.
  6. Register to get full access to the platform: To be able to get the most out of ProtectUK, register today
 Access security guidance and conduct your own risk assessments Stay informed about different threats types and how to avoid them  Read the latest news and participate in the community Take part in online learning and enhance your knowledge
Security Guard App Laptop e-learning