ProtectUK publication date
Below provides important information that captures key words within Countering vehicle as a weapon for security goods drivers.


Action Counters Terrorism, a national campaign by Counter Terrorism Policing to encourage the public to act on their instincts to help tackle the terrorist threat.


The cab is an enclosed space in a lorry where the driver is located.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

CSR can help an organisation to show it is socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. To be considered as socially responsible, a company’s activities should benefit society.

NPSA (formerly CPNI):

The National Protective Security Authority - the government authority that provides protective security advice to businesses and organisations across the national infrastructure.


Community safety accreditation scheme powers, CSAS is a voluntary scheme under which chief constables can choose to accredit employed people already working in roles that contribute to maintaining and improving community safety with limited but targeted powers.

Operating Centre:

A base or depot for Commercial Vehicles

Suspicious Behaviour:

Any observed behaviour that could indicate terrorism or terrorism-related crime Transport Office/Operator/Supervisor: Management working in the company offices and are responsible for managing the execution, direction, and coordination of all transportation matters within the organisation.