1. Introduction

Good housekeeping improves the safety of your premises, reduces the opportunity for placing suspicious items or bags and helps you manage false alarms and hoaxes. Items left insecure on site, such as flammable liquids, tools, scaffolding poles and ladders, could be used by terrorists and criminals. It’s therefore important that they are safely secured whenever they are not in use. 


Good Housekeeping


2. Good housekeeping

You can reduce the number of places where devices may be left by considering the following points:

  • avoid the use of litter bins in vulnerable areas (e.g. near crowded locations, glazing and support structures). Monitor vulnerable areas with CCTV and make sure there are regular cleaning regimes in place
  • review the management of all your litter bins and consider the size of their openings, their blast mitigation capabilities and location
  • the use of clear bags for waste disposal makes it easier to conduct an initial examination for any suspicious items
  • review the use, placement and security of any compactors, recycling sorting points, wheelie bins, skips and metal bins used to store rubbish within service areas, goods entrances and near areas where crowds gather
  • your operations manager should have an agreed procedure in place for the management of contractors, their vehicles and waste collection services. The registration mark of each vehicle and details of its occupants should be known to the security staff or manager in advance of their arrival
  • keep public, communal and external areas (such as exits, entrances, lavatories, service corridors and yards) clean, tidy and well lit
  • keep the fixtures, fittings and furniture in such areas to a minimum, ensuring there is little opportunity to hide devices
  • lock and check unoccupied offices, rooms and store cupboards
  • place tamper-proof plastic seals on maintenance hatches
  • pruning vegetation and trees, especially near entrances, will assist CCTV and natural surveillance while helping to prevent packages being hidden
  • make sure that all staff are trained in bomb threat handling procedures, or at least have access to instructions, and know where these are kept
  • review your CCTV system to ensure that it is working correctly and has sufficient coverage both internally and externally
  • make sure first-aid kits and fire extinguishers are checked regularly and make sure that they have not been interfered with. Any used items should be replaced. Are a sufficient number of staff trained in first aid for a terrorist type attack?
  • security managers should consider a secondary secure location for use as a control room as part of their contingency planning
  • security systems reliant on power should have an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) available. This should be regularly tested if it is identified that power loss could impact your safety critical systems (e.g. alarms, secure doors and locks, CCTV etc)
  • make sure street vendors, cycle racks, lockers and bins do not impede evacuation routes, assembly areas, exits or entrances
  •  make sure cycle racks and lockers are placed away from crowded areas. Monitor with CCTV if necessary


3. Click and Collect Parcel Lockers and Luggage Storage - Guidance

Click and collect parcel lockers (and luggage storage) can bring benefits in terms of customer convenience but also bring security challenges - predominantly due to their potential contents being unscreened, the blast performance of materials that they are typically constructed from, and their positioning near crowded places and/or safety/security-critical equipment.  If installations are being considered, then operators and security professionals are advised to:

  • consider the attractiveness of the area in terms of levels of predictable crowding/queuing, and locate facilities in the least impactful location should an incident occur
  • consider the potential for structural impact and disproportionate collapse from a blast next to a structural member (or indeed fragmentation from any nearby glazing / facades)
  • consider critical equipment in the area which would have a disproportionate impact on operations in the event of a malicious incident (e.g. safety critical equipment such as fire detection equipment and alarms, control rooms, and operational equipment)
  • create (both contractually and during a move to critical) a plan for removal/management of these lockers for periods of time
  • update your risk assessment

There are additionally, some specific requirements for rail, provided by DfT Land Transport (available on request for operators in that regulated sector)


Consult with a security professional, such as a CTSA, regarding the design and placement of street furniture, lockers, bins, cycle racks etc.

You may also want to complete the Good Housekeeping checklist

You may also want to complete the Bomb Threats checklist

Good housekeeping
PALs Guidance
Protective Security
publicly accessible locations
publicly accessible places
Security measures
Suspicious Item
ProtectUK publication date