… stand you will also find a member of the NaCTSO Business Engagement Unit to talk about NaCTSO’s commitment to …

ProtectUK publication date
In-line with the latest security advice, the National Stakeholder Menu of Tactical Options (‘Menu of Tactical Options’) has been updated to better support businesses with implementing changes to their security management and decision-making processes during periods of increased national threat.

ProtectUK publication date
In response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Home Office is re-opening applications to the Protective Security for Mosques Scheme for an additional six weeks. The application process is now open until 18 February 2024.

ProtectUK publication date
The conflict between Israel and Hamas has continued to intensify. From a UK policing perspective, we are seeing the impact of this conflict through a number of high profile protests in UK cities and a marked increase in hate crime reporting.

ProtectUK publication date
… makers, supporting officers, coordinating staff and engagement officers come together to understand different …

ProtectUK publication date
… prepare for attacks.”  The event also led to hundreds more engagements with the ProtectUK website which offers advice …

ProtectUK publication date
…   Whilst this is happening, we have started our stakeholder engagement, which will continue for the next few months. …

ProtectUK publication date
Whether you’re at home, at work, on the move or online, our guide to personal security provides advice on how to stay safe.

ProtectUK publication date
… commissioned projects - These are known as eNotice and ProActive. The projects seek to host joint activities to … tested the effectiveness of a mobile phone app that PROACTIVE have created. This app is designed to notify … finished. As a consortium member of both the eNOTICE and PROACTIVE, the National CBRN Centre played an integral part …

ProtectUK publication date
Our awareness products and campaigns are an essential part of keeping the UK safe from terrorism. Our Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) suite of products, including our award-winning ACT e-Learning, provide the public with the knowledge they need to understand and respond to security threats and incidents with confidence.

ProtectUK publication date