… of the threat. Advice is primarily delivered through campaigns and online self-service at www.npsa.gov.uk , …
Keywords: NPSA , CPNI

ProtectUK publication date
Understanding terrorist targeting is an essential part of our efforts to protect the public and prepare against the threats we face.

To further explore this area, NaCTSO commissioned Coventry University to investigate whether a prominent risk assessment framework, known by the acronym ‘EVIL DONE’, can be used to identify attractive and vulnerable targets within a UK context.

ProtectUK publication date
This checklist has been created to assist businesses during periods of increased visitor footfall within the retail and night time economy premises, such as the lead up to the New Year and national holidays. During this period we can see a significant increase in the number of people visiting retail and night time economy premises. This checklist will help to ensure that the right protective security measures are in place.

ProtectUK publication date
… in helping to respond to this issue, with regular campaigns from Counter Terrorism Policing encouraging people …

ProtectUK publication date
Summer tends to be a busy period for most organisations. The … which will see gatherings held across the country.  … This summer we are anticipating an increase in public events and … attack and how to report. Your support in amplifying our campaign will be invaluable.  In the meantime, to support …

ProtectUK publication date
… from projects such as the ‘Small Towns and Villages’ campaign. This conference is a key part of the NaCTSO annual …

ProtectUK publication date