… The threat of a terrorist attack by firearm in the UK is not likely, but it is … may impact you or your business. … Headline Assessment Terrorist attacks in the UK using firearms are extremely …
… The ProtectUK Analysts give an insight into terrorist use of Vehicle as a Weapon (VAW) attacks. … What is meant by Vehicle as a Weapon? Vehicle as … infrastructure. Headline Assessment If either an Islamist terrorist or Extreme Right-Wing terrorist attack were to …
… is their ability to radicalise and inspire Self-Initiated Terrorists (S-ITs) . The threat from ERWT in the UK has evolved with several attacks and plots since 2017. Any future ERWT attack in the … terrorism and possession of documents useful to a terrorist in June 2019. The group has encouraged and …
… Terrorism? Islamist Terrorism 1  can be described as terrorist violence motivated by a political ideology seeking … pressure from the West has reduced the threat from attacks directed and enabled by Islamist terrorist groups overseas, a threat will remain as long as …
… policy or practice. Headline Assessment We assess a terrorist attack in the UK motivated by LASIT ideology to be unlikely. … political ideas such as socialism or conservatism. A LASIT terrorist’s grievance narrative may draw on several …
… Terrorism? CBRN terrorism is the term used to describe the terrorist use (or threatened use) of Chemical, Biological, … radioactive fallout). How has CBRN previously been used by terrorist groups worldwide? Globally, there has been a very small number of terrorist attacks where CBRN materials have been used. A chemical …
… designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. … SUBSTANTIAL  – An attack is likely    The main … designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. How are threat levels decided? The …
… adapted for military purposes and used to mount successful attacks. It is likely that terrorists will seek to learn from these developments.   While terrorist groups have made extensive use of drones in …
… picture during the Christmas period. … Headline Assessment Terrorist attacks can happen at any time with little to no warning. Analysis of data relating to terrorist attacks in Western Europe show there is no easily …
… The PALs programme encompasses learning from recent attacks, including those in 2017, and reflects a shift away … to explore the target selection and decision making of terrorists within a UK context.   ProtectUK, Evidence-Based … policing policies, practices and decisions. As the terrorist threat evolves, this important approach ensures …