… to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. … SUBSTANTIAL  – An attack is likely    The main threats to national security … to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. How are threat levels decided? The national threat …
… an insight into terrorist use of Vehicle as a Weapon (VAW) attacks. … What is meant by Vehicle as a Weapon? Vehicle as … an Islamist terrorist or Extreme Right-Wing terrorist attack were to occur in the UK, the use of a Vehicle as a … plotting in the UK will, in some instances, form part of an attack including other methodologies.   How and why do …
… The threat of a terrorist attack by firearm in the UK is not likely, but it is … you or your business. … Headline Assessment Terrorist attacks in the UK using firearms are extremely rare. In the … occasion where a firearm has been discharged in a terrorist attack on the UK mainland. Although there is a criminal …
… the Christmas period. … Headline Assessment Terrorist attacks can happen at any time with little to no warning. Analysis of data relating to terrorist attacks in Western Europe show there is no easily … period provides terrorists with opportunities to carry out attacks, not simply because it is a public holiday, but also …
… adapted for military purposes and used to mount successful attacks. It is likely that terrorists will seek to learn … conflicts, the use of a weaponised UAV in a terrorist attack in the UK is unlikely in the next 12 months. This is … employing UAVs as the weapon itself or in roles outside an attack such as hostile reconnaissance.   What is a drone? A …
… Globally, there has been a very small number of terrorist attacks where CBRN materials have been used. A chemical … in 1990. In Japan, a chemical weapon and a biological attack occurred against various targets between 1990 and … from CBRN Terrorism in the UK Whilst a CBRN terrorist attack has not previously occurred in the UK, Police and …
… . The threat from ERWT in the UK has evolved with several attacks and plots since 2017. Any future ERWT attack in the UK is highly likely to be carried out by … been disrupted in the UK. Over the same period, three ERWT attacks have occurred in the UK: In 2017, a 47-year old male …
… pressure from the West has reduced the threat from attacks directed and enabled by Islamist terrorist groups … as long as al-Qa’ida (AQ) and Daesh maintain the intent to attack the West.  It is likely that Daesh continues to … has allowed terrorist groups like Daesh to grow and plan attacks against the West. The availability of a large pool …
… or practice. Headline Assessment We assess a terrorist attack in the UK motivated by LASIT ideology to be unlikely. … activity falls below the terrorism threshold.   What LASIT attacks have taken place in the West? There has been a … in Italy and Action Directe in France carried out a wave of attacks across Western Europe. By the late 1980s and 1990s …
… The PALs programme encompasses learning from recent attacks, including those in 2017, and reflects a shift away …