Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the … attack. … SUBSTANTIAL  – An attack is likely    The main threats to national security are terrorism, espionage, cyber … are proportionate, effective and responsive.     Threat levelThreat levels are designed to give a broad …
… In this article we take an analytical look into the threat the UK faces from drones. … What is a Drone? A drone … autonomous vehicle. This assessment is concerned with the threat from airborne drones which are more correctly … or airborne. This assessment is concerned with the threat from airborne drones which are more correctly …
… all of whom hold a White Supremacist ideology. The primary threat from these groups is their ability to radicalise and inspire Self-Initiated Terrorists (S-ITs) . The threat from ERWT in the UK has evolved with several attacks … found that other European countries have experienced high levels of ERWT attacks per capita: Denmark, France, Greece, …
… into Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats. … What is CBRN Terrorism? CBRN terrorism is the term used to describe the terrorist use (or threatened use) of Chemical, Biological, Radiological or … been no acts of radiological or nuclear terrorism.  The threat from CBRN Terrorism in the UK Whilst a CBRN terrorist …
… We look at the threat that organisations and individuals face from … in the UK motivated by LASIT ideology to be unlikely. The threat is low. The majority of Left Wing and Single-Issue … in the future.   How does LASIT manifest in the UK? The threat from terrorism in the UK motivated by LASIT ideology …
… article, we take a look into the latest insights on the threat from Islamist Terrorism. … What is Islamist … While Islamist terrorism takes many forms, the principle threat to the UK comes from Salafi-Jihadists.   Headline Assessment Over the last decade, the threat to the UK from Islamist terrorism has increased and …
… The threat of a terrorist attack by firearm in the UK is not likely, but it is important to understand how the threat of firearms may impact you or your business. … … firearm. Hybrid 3D printed firearm models require a lower level of skill despite the increasing complexity and …
… a saturated information environment resulting in greater levels of public fear. Nor does greater saturation of CTPS … 2020) was use of the term “Islamist” terrorist/terrorism/threat within CTPS training material (key finding one). … incident post-training; however, we cannot ascertain levels of public willingness and motivation to report. A …
… In this article we take an analytical look into the threat picture during the Christmas period. … Headline … when three Chechen plotters were arrested.    The UK Threat Picture If a terrorist attack were to occur in the UK … and Likelihood in Intelligence Assessments When describing threats in intelligence assessments, Counter Terrorism …
… policies, practices and decisions. As the terrorist threat evolves, this important approach ensures that the … can improve our ability to proactively manage emerging threats and identify cost-effective and proportionate …