… attempt to open the letter or package. Avoid unnecessary handling. Keep it separate so it is easily identifiable. … … a suspicious package, indicators to suspicious deliveries/mail General indicators that delivered items may be of … with others prior to the arrival of the police.   Screening mail and courier deliveries:  Possible Indicators that a …
… as weapons such as such tools or service equipment etc.   Mail Handling/Screening Ensure relevant staff are trained in mail/post-handling procedures, i.e. identifying & responding …
… advice download the Threat Recognition Guide … Screening mail and courier deliveries:  Possible Indicators that a … Action Upon Discovery of any Suspicious Delivered Item NPSA Mail Screening Matters NPSA … Chemical Biological …
… call, an increasing number are sent electronically using email or social media applications. No matter how ridiculous … dial 1471 to obtain the caller number where possible.   Email Bomb Threats Do not reply, forward or delete a bomb threat made via email. Note the address and print off a hard copy. Preserve …
… windows where no deliveries will be accepted is all your mail screened and can the mail processing area be isolated? has testing and exercising …
… only accept deliveries that are essential  DB10 - Scan all mail and ensure that postal procedures are robust  RB1 - …
… by hostile vehicles.  … The NVTMU can be contacted by email at … …