… can now complete the updated ACT Awareness e-Learning on ProtectUK. The award-winning e-Learning provides an … on a mobile device. The ACT Awareness e-Learning takes approximately one hour to complete and can be paused to suit … individual needs. Visit the Learning tab and register as a ProtectUK user to access. …
… to free training for venue and security staff, available on ProtectUK       If you have festivals or events in your … screens, highlighting the vigilance message.   Thank you to ProtectUK partners for supporting #BeSafeBeSound and helping …
… a capacity of 800 or more.  The consultation on the updated approach to Standard Tier, launched will seek views to make … are balanced and proportionate. That’s why our updated approach is easy to implement, and better tailored to … the event of an attack.  The new ‘reasonably practicable’ approach is better suited to the wide range of organisations …
… these free lessons provide vital guidance which can be applied to many places and situations, and will support … view and download all of the resources for free by visiting ProtectUK: .     … ACT for …
… guidance documents and associated updates to the ProtectUK webpage for an improved user experience. As a … accessibility of all documents; Updates to the associated ProtectUK webpage including an improved user-friendly … National Stakeholder Menu of Tactical Options webpage on ProtectUK. … National Stakeholder Menu of Tactical Options - …
… to support us?  There is information readily available on ProtectUK to help keep you and your business organised to implement the appropriate security measures, which will complement the … security vigilance and awareness. Sign up or log in to your ProtectUK account and start the e-Learning .  … …
… highlighting the need for people to continue to be alert. ProtectUK members have been instrumental in their support, … us so far. Campaign assets are available to download on the ProtectUK website until 5 January 2024. If you need any …
… The event also led to hundreds more engagements with the ProtectUK website which offers advice and guidance to …
… what its contents will be when passed.   Whilst this is happening, we have started our stakeholder engagement, which … regarding which Awarding Body we will work with, here, on ProtectUK. Keep an eye out for updates later in the year.   … with all our announcements is to sign up for updates from ProtectUK, the single, authoritative source for all news …