… An SIA investigation supported by NaCTSO has helped sites and premises in … have since successfully briefed over 120 Counter Terrorism Security Advisors (CTSAs) across England, Wales and Scotland in the use of SIA licences and the security features contained on these documents. The CTSAs …
… … Our #BeSafeBeSound campaign has already been supported at BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend, Download festival, Creamfields … safety advice    Reassure music fans that they are safe and security checks are in place to ensure a safe experience … to report anything that doesn’t feel right immediately to security staff Ensure that everyone who attends a festival, …
… There’s a range of safety advice that’s available on ProtectUK for businesses and the public … are applicable to disorder. National Counter Terrorism Security Office advice about physical security measures and security culture NaCTSO NPT toolkit …
… of a storage, maintenance and deployment framework for the National Barrier Asset for an initial term of 36 months and a … Barrier Asset (NBA) consists of various types of vehicle security barriers and protective security fencing to prevent/mitigate Vehicle Borne terrorist …
… last couple of months have been busy ones, with two large national events taking place, the Coronation and the Eurovision, within a week of each other. … … Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Security Industry Authority (SIA) donated space on their …
… see millions of people across the UK enjoying themselves at major events such as music festivals, sporting events, bank holidays and Pride.     Unfortunately, we know that these events and venues could be … way of using communications as an extra layer of protective security at no extra cost.    The toolkit includes free …
… today. … This incident has not been declared a terrorist attack. Counter Terrorism Policing is working alongside … Please follow Nottinghamshire Police Twitter for the latest updates on the incident: … anything that doesn’t seem right immediately to police, security or staff. For more information on what to look out …