… reveal that public reports made to CTP about possible terrorist activity has surged since the conflict between … effect the conflict could have on those with extremist or terrorist intent. “With that in mind, our Counter Terrorism … CTIRU was launched in 2010 to tackle the growth of online terrorist content. Specialist teams work with tech and …
… these events and venues could be attractive targets for terrorist activity.  That’s why Counter Terrorism Policing …
… Terrorism is not new to the United Kingdom (UK). Terrorists have targeted events for many years. On occasion … their event safer for all and a less attractive target to terrorists. The full Purple Guide is available here . The … attractions and events. Consideration of the risk posed by terrorists must form part of the considerations under this …
… , this will help you be prepared in the event of a terrorist attack. Access to CT guidance and ACT e-Learning …
… Like other criminals, terrorists need to plan. They need to prepare, buy and store … be used for an attack? … observation and surveillance help terrorists plan attacks. Have you noticed anyone observing … close to you visit … What should I do if I find terrorist or violent extremist content online? If you see …
… Terrorism? CBRN terrorism is the term used to describe the terrorist use (or threatened use) of Chemical, Biological, … radioactive fallout). How has CBRN previously been used by terrorist groups worldwide? Globally, there has been a very small number of terrorist attacks where CBRN materials have been used. A …
… Understanding terrorist targeting is an essential part of our efforts to protect the … has been Clarke and Newman’s 2006 work, Outsmarting the Terrorists, which presented a systematic approach for …
… the UK will be better prepared for, and protected from, terrorist attacks. … The draft Terrorism (Protection of … who was killed alongside 21 others in the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in 2017. The draft bill will be subject to … from terrorism is enduring. In recent years, we have seen terrorists target the public at a broad range of locations, …
… designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. … SUBSTANTIAL  – An attack is likely    … designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. How are threat levels decided? The … fragmentary, including the level and nature of current terrorist activity, comparison with events in other …
… something that isn’t quite right, and what to do should a terrorist attack occur … Campaign materials are available, … on how you can help to counter terrorism.  Recognising Terrorist Threats: It is important to know how to recognise …