… of Recognising Terrorist Threats a guide for the security professional. … NPSA, in collaboration with ACT, … Terrorist Threats '  guide aimed at every level of the security profession. Drawing on NPSAs extensive research …
… the core underlying principles of NPSA's protective security methodology. This methodology defines a holistic … of your most important or sensitive assets - as protective security measures can only be truly effective if the … to each other during the formulation of a protective security solution. … For more information, please visit the …
… plan attacks. Have you noticed anyone observing CCTV, security arrangements, or taking photos of entrances and … every day.  Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor national police lead for Protective Security, explains: “Working in Publicly Accessible …
… Matt Jukes has issued the following statement on behalf of national policing partners today:  “I visited the Glade of … by side to overcome significant threats to the safety and security of the United Kingdom.     I am sorry that, despite …
… Counters Terrorism (ACT) Awareness e-Learning provides nationally recognised Counter Terrorism guidance to help …
Security-mindedness is about encouraging business leaders, managers and practitioners to consider security across all areas of the organisation. Our advice outlines the steps to take when developing a security-mindedness approach. … For more information, please …
… Good housekeeping is an important part of your security regime, helping to reduce the opportunity for … :   Security Awareness Do staff understand their role and …
… anything that doesn’t seem right immediately to police, security or staff. For more information on what to look out … Mitigation (HVM) The ACT Awareness e-Learning provides nationally recognised Counter Terrorism guidance to help …
… involving hazardous substances, including ‘acid attacks’. … Security personnel and other staff may be the first … - which summarises the essential information required for Security control room (SCR) staff to effectively respond to …
… events can include managing hygiene measures, and general security procedures. This can lead to queues of people … routes. For further information : Election Protective Security Guidance - Protecting Pedestrian Queues … Vehicle …