Dear Partner,
Thank you for your attendance at the Security and Policing conference 2023. With the recent Martyn’s Law announcement and the move from the Crowded Places protective security strategy to the Publicly Accessible Locations(PALs) model, we want to keep you informed and encourage you to continue to help us raise awareness of the threats from terrorism and the steps businesses can take to protect and prepare.
As senior decision makers representing businesses from across PALs, NaCTSO needs to continue to strengthen our engagement and opportunities to collaborate with you. The conference was an opportunity to hear from senior police officers, government officials and business leaders about the key policy announcements which will affect you. There were also discussions about our shared projects to meet those policy challenges as well as NaCTSO and our business partner’s joint initiatives. This includes the work we do with the Counter Terrorism Business Information Exchange (CTBIE) and their plans to help strengthen protective security and preparedness across PALs.
Who are NaCTSO?
The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) is a Counter Terrorism Police hosted unit that supports the delivery of protective security and preparedness within the UK, in partnership with government and business. It was established as a government agency in 2001 and has the primary responsibility for counter terrorism advice to businesses and the public.
NaCTSO work for the National Coordinator Protect and Prepare (NCPP), alongside other specialist Protect and Prepare units providing coordination and operational output across both the Protect and Prepare strands of CONTEST.
NaCTSO work directly with businesses in order to maximise their ability to provide protective security and resilience for national infrastructure and publicly accessible locations, across a large number of sectors.
This NaCTSO conference - NaCTSO’s Response to the Evolving Threat to Publicly Accessible Locations (PALs) covered how NaCTSO has developed plans to support the PALs concept and outlined developments to benefit the wider public, whilst giving insight into the work the teams are doing.
Topics on the agenda to included:
Topics on the agenda to include:
Implementation of the Publicly Accessible Locations (PALs) Program
Martyn's Law
Interactive panel discussion with senior leaders
ProtectUK 1 year anniversary
New approaches to support your business including Operation Theraean
NaCTSO Security & Policing Business Conference Agenda | |
10:30 | Welcome & Opening Address |
10:40 - 11:00 | Publicly Accessible Locations National Policy Approach |
11:00 - 11:20 | Homeland Security Group |
11:20 - 11:45 | Panel Discussion |
11:45 - 12:00 | Coffee Break and Capability Stands (Advance Room) |
12:00 - 13:00 | Exhibitor Spotlight Sessions |
13:00 - 13:30 | Closing Address |
NaCTSO Conference Capability Stands
As part of the NaCTSO Security and Policing Business Conference we gave businesses the opportunity to engage with some of our teams to gain a greater insight into the work we do. In addition to the short spotlights during the conference, NaCTSO had a number of Capability Stands.
NaCTSO leads on delivering complex change programmes outside of policing in order to improve the capability and capacity of protective security and preparedness, working directly with Homeland Security Group, Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure and lead government departments.
More on the Capability Exhibitors can be found below.
Publicly Accessible Locations (PALs) Unit
The PALs Unit is responsible for developing business improvement to existing ways of working, as well as encouraging CTSA engagement with High-Risk Sites. Additionally, in regards to Local Authorities, the use of an evidence-based approach in the integration of the Protect and Prepare ethos. The aim is to continue to provide high level Protective Security to those most likely to be attacked whilst developing cost-effective and proportionate ways of ensuring that all Publicly Accessible Locations work together to keep the public safe.
ProtectUK will remain the single authoritative voice for PALs. Please continue to monitor the platform for regular news and updates.
NaCTSO Competent Persons Scheme (CPS)
The NaCTSO CPS Team is a dedicated team formed under the Publicly Accessible Locations (PALs) programme to examine the development of a Competent Persons Scheme(s). The CPS seeks to provide the business community with the assurance that they are able to successfully mitigate the risks posed to them by terrorist threat and assist them in fulfilling any duties which may be placed upon them under the proposed Martyn’s Law. The scheme is currently in development with the NaCTSO CPS team exploring routes to market.
ProtectUK will remain the single authoritative voice for the Competent Persons Scheme. Please continue to monitor the ProtectUK platform for regular news articles, updates and opportunities as the scheme progresses.
The Aviation and Maritime Security Unit (AMSU)
The Aviation and Maritime Security Unit (AMSU) supports government departments, law enforcement, security and law industry partners within the aviation and maritime sectors. The AMSU strive to make people safer from terrorism achieved through a unique combination of knowledge, connectivity and operational understanding.
For all further information please visit the ProtectUK website, Portsafe
Disruptive Effects
The National Project Servator Team (NPST) co-ordinates a programme of activity and training aimed at disrupting hostile reconnaissance across the UK. Project Servator works with businesses to build a network of vigilance aimed at disrupting hostile reconnaissance - the information-gathering that may help terrorists and other criminals plan or prepare to commit a crime. The NPST also manage the See, Check and Notify (SCaN) programme. SCaN empowers an organisation’s staff to know what suspicious activity to look for and what to do when they encounter it, as well as teaching them skills that will enhance the customer experience.
For more information on Project Servator please visit the following platforms for all the latest news and updates:
Project Servator | Counter Terrorism Policing
Hostile reconnaissance | ProtectUK
See Check and Notify (SCaN) | CPNI
All of those at the NaCTSO S&P Capability stands and the Business Engagement Team from NaCTSO ask organisations such as yours to support the UK counter terrorism security effort by joining the ProtectUK eco-system. There are three core calls to action we would like you to consider that will enhance the protective security knowledge and awareness across your business workforce.
Sign up to the new ProtectUK Platform for advice, guidance, webinars and forums. Register here:
Download the ProtectUK App via Apple Store or Google Play for Action Cards and News Updates
Apple App Store QR Code
Android Play Store QR Code
If your organisation has managed devices (i.e. company issued mobiles or tablets) – consider an automatic rollout solution. You can find further details by contacting requesting ‘Enterprise’ options.
After registering with ProtectUK, complete the free award winning ACT e-Learning Course.
Access here:
Similarly to the App, if you wish to deploy the ACT e-Learning Course to your internal Learning Management System (LMS) please contact: requesting a ‘SCORM package’.
Thank you for your continued efforts and support.
The ProtectUK Team
Action Cards
Part of helping to protect your organisation from the terrorist threat is raising awareness amongst your staff. Having a series of action cards can be an invaluable way to ensure your staff are prepared. NaCTSO have produced the below action cards which you may find useful to incorporate into your emergency preparedness processes.
Having a plan and being prepared can save lives.
Unattended and Suspicious Items Action Card
Firearms and Weapons Attacks Action Card
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