Delivering first aid quickly and effectively in the aftermath of any incident is vital to keeping people safe, including those in the vicinity of your premises as well as your staff and visitors.

Ensuring that you have staff who are first aid trained will help you respond to any type of incident that occurs in the vicinity of your premises.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state that low-risk workplaces, such as a small office, should have a first aid box and a person appointed to take charge of first aid arrangements if necessary. Workplaces with more significant health and safety risks are more likely to need a trained first-aider.

Public Access Trauma (PAcT) first aid kits are a good way of ensuring your premises has the correct first aid equipment. PAcT kits can be used by any person regardless of their level of training and support the treatment of life threatening injuries.

More information about first aid is available on ProtectUK and the St John’s Ambulance website, where you can purchase a variety of first aid kits including PAcT kits.