Threat Levels

Terrorism threat levels are designed to provide a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. There are five UK national threat levels.

Threat Level Response Level
Low An attack is
highly unlikely
NORMAL Routine protective
security measures
appropriate to
the event
MODERATE An attack is
possible but not
SUBSTANTIAL An attack is likely HEIGHTENED Additional and
protective security
measures reflecting
the broad nature
of the threat
with specific 
SEVERE An attack is
highly likely
CRITICAL An attack is highly
likely in the
near future
protective security
measures to meet
specific threats
to minimise


Response Levels

Response levels, which tend to apply to sites, should provide a general indication of the protective security measures that need to be applied at a given time, depending on the current UK national threat level and any specific assessments of vulnerability and risk.

There are a variety of site-specific security measures that can be applied within each response level. These measures should not be made public, to avoid informing terrorists about what actions are being taken and to disrupt any potential reconnaissance they may wish to conduct.

The CT Menu of Tactical Options is a list of protective security measures that you may wish to consider implementing in the event of an increase to Critical and is available on ProtectUK.

Implementing as many protective security measures in this booklet as possible will also help you to ensure you are prepared and protected in the event of an incident.

Find out more about the CT Menu of Tactical Options

Find out more about Threat Levels