… Communicating protective security measures can act as a free and highly effective layer of security, …

ProtectUK publication date
… Hizb ut-Tahrir has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation. Belonging to or inviting support for the …

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… The NTIA Night Time Economy Summit 2024 is an event hosted in Greater Manchester on the 8th and 9th February. The …

ProtectUK publication date
… Counter Terrorism Policing’s winter campaign is more than halfway through and has already reached millions

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Security & Policing, the official UK Government global security event, returns to the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference …

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… In-line with the latest security advice, the National Stakeholder Menu of Tactical Options (‘Menu of Tactical …

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… The PSHE Association, in collaboration with the Department for Education and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), has released new and improved …

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… PortSafe, a national brand of security and safety within commercial maritime, has shared a set of updated promotional materials. PortSafe is

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… As world events take place, the need for people to be alert is more important than ever. Counter Terrorism Policing needs your help to share its winter campaign …

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… In response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Home Office is re-opening applications to the …

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