… the primary security concerns arising during the ingress and egress phases of venue operations. It will subsequently … risks. Recognising vulnerabilities in these situations and striving to reduce them is a fundamental part of … security planning. NPSA's 'Mitigation of terrorist threats at venues during ingress and egress' guidance aims …

ProtectUK publication date
… ProtectUK is sharing a safety and security video which has been created for candidates in the upcoming general election. It highlights … Book: A Guide to Personal Security | ProtectUK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Guidance for organisations …

ProtectUK publication date
… such as music festivals, sporting events, bank holidays and Pride.     Unfortunately, we know that these events and … targets for terrorist activity.  That’s why Counter Terrorism Policing is collaborating with event organisers … feel right and helping keep everyone safe.   … Counter Terrorism Policing launches campaign to keep the public safe …

ProtectUK publication date
… is an online network of neo-fascist terrorists who produce and disseminate violent propaganda to encourage those who … the government’s commitment to tackle Extreme Right-Wing terrorism and online radicalisation in all forms. It also … time it has been used in this way. Whilst Islamist-inspired terrorism continues to represent the greatest terrorist …

ProtectUK publication date
… New laws to make sure we are better prepared for, and protected from, terrorist attacks to be consulted on. … Martyn’s Law will help protect the British public from terrorism, and make sure public premises are better prepared … it will remove the requirement to complete any specific terrorism training.  Instead, those responsible for these …

ProtectUK publication date
… Security Industry Authority (SIA) launches Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Security e-Learning for security … … ACT Security e-Learning is specialised counter-terrorism awareness training that provides up-to-date knowledge to help security operatives prepare and respond to terrorist incidents. It is now accessible on …

ProtectUK publication date
… Communicating protective security measures can act as a free and highly effective layer of security, but will it scare or … safer whilst onsite 3 . Polling conducted by Counter Terrorism Policing found that exposure to security campaign … The Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats.  2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4.  Unintended Consequences …

ProtectUK publication date
… a draft order to proscribe Hizb ut-Tahrir under the Terrorism Act 2000.   The order was approved on Thursday 18 January and came into force on Friday 19 January.   It is now a … organisation that actively promotes and encourages terrorism, including praising and celebrating the appalling …

ProtectUK publication date
… 2024 is an event hosted in Greater Manchester on the 8th and 9th February. The summit hosts over 200 speakers across … on the 9th where representatives from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), Home Office, Security Industry Authority will be discussing terrorism safety and security issues which could affect the …

ProtectUK publication date
… Counter Terrorism Policing’s winter campaign is more than halfway through and has already reached millions of people. … The annual … of 600 per cent compared to last year and as a counter terrorism policing network we have reached out to in the …

ProtectUK publication date