… today, Thursday 2nd March 2023.  Much of the evidence for this volume was heard in closed hearings and is not being published. However, the open version of the … by side to overcome significant threats to the safety and security of the United Kingdom.     I am sorry that, despite …
… This guidance aims to highlight the primary security concerns arising during the ingress and egress phases of venue operations. It will subsequently outline various strategies for mitigating the related risks. Recognising …
… Communicating protective security measures can act as a free and highly effective … in or around your site. Exposure to Run Hide Tell guidance, for example, was found to significantly increase intentions …
… Our awareness products and campaigns are an essential part of keeping the UK safe … with the knowledge they need to understand and respond to security threats and incidents with confidence. … We are always looking for ways to improve, to ensure our products and campaigns …
… The conflict between Israel and Hamas has continued to intensify. From a UK policing … and guidance in The Blue Book. This is a guide to personal security at home, online, at work and when overseas.  The … the importance of effective communications to the workforce (a key aspect in the NPSA Insider Risk Mitigation …
… UCI Cycling World Championships will be hosted in Glasgow and across Scotland during the month of August, 2023. … The … barriers and barges, have been considered and implemented for the event across the various sites. Pedestrian steel …   Starting line - George Square The extensive planning and security considerations for the event were initiated long …
… Sign up to our next virtual workshop session! Aimed at security professionals or those with protective security decision-making capabilities within businesses and organisations. … Hear from the experts about improving  … knowledge of counter terrorism.   Join our exciting and informative webinar hosted by the National Counter Terrorism …
… Festival season is in full swing. Reaching hundreds of thousands of music lovers across the country. … Our … safety advice    Reassure music fans that they are safe and security checks are in place to ensure a safe experience … containing content, assets, and links to free training for venue and security staff, available on ProtectUK       …
… Sign up to our next virtual workshop session! Aimed at security professionals or those with protective security decision-making capabilities within businesses and organisations. …   Would you like the opportunity to … knowledge on counter terrorism? Join our exciting and informative webinar hosted by the National Counter Terrorism …
… Sign up to our next virtual workshop session! Aimed at security professionals or those with protective security decision-making capabilities within businesses and organisations. …   Would you like the opportunity to … knowledge on counter terrorism? Join our exciting and informative webinar hosted by the National Counter Terrorism …