… in collaboration with the Department for Education and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), has released new and improved ACT … be applied to many places and situations, and will support security leads and teachers to better respond to terrorist …
… that the public remain safe and play a part in the wider security operation. In 2022, the #BeSafeBeSound campaign … and posters Reassure music fans that they are safe and security checks are in place to ensure that they have a safe … all possible attack methodologies. This guidance from the National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) can support …
… This guidance aims to highlight the primary security concerns arising during the ingress and egress … striving to reduce them is a fundamental part of protective security planning and an essential task for those with responsibility for ensuring the safety and security of staff and visitors. … The ingress and egress …
… Doors form an essential part of physical security and it’s important to have doors and windows that … as possible. … Doors form an essential part of physical security and are often required to perform several …
… two criminal investigations, one focused in London and one nationally. Additionally, the success of the investigations … have since successfully briefed over 120 Counter Terrorism Security Advisors (CTSAs) across England, Wales and Scotland in the use of SIA licences and the security features contained on these documents. The CTSAs …
… for, and ready to respond in the event of, an attack.   Security Minister Tom Tugendhat said: “The threat from … that this legislation is proportionate while enhancing our national security.”  Figen Murray, mother of Martyn Hett, said: …
… safety advice    Reassure music fans that they are safe and security checks are in place to ensure a safe experience … to report anything that doesn’t feel right immediately to security staff Ensure that everyone who attends a festival, … content, assets, and links to free training for venue and security staff, available on ProtectUK       If you have …
… part of our ongoing internal professional development the National Counter Terrorism Security Office introduced the Protective Security Coordinator Course. This accreditation was made …
… These ideologies can be broadly characterised as Cultural Nationalism, White Nationalism and White Supremacism. … Headline Assessment … These can be broadly characterised as follows: Cultural Nationalism is a belief that ‘Western Culture’ is under …
… and professionalise the Counter Terrorism Protective Security and Preparedness sphere. … It’s development is … also be a register of verified counter terrorism protective security specialists, with the working title of the Counter Terrorism Security Specialists Register (CTSSR). This will provide …