… Counter Terrorism Policing provide the following resources: Security at Crowded Places  - The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) has guidance with protective … package for all organisations on what to do in the event of a major incident. It can be found here:  ACT …
… … Director General of MI5 Ken McCallum has commented that events in the Middle East have, in the past, had … the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) , and that the events we are seeing unfold will be factored into these … and guidance in The Blue Book. This is a guide to personal security at home, online, at work and when overseas.  The …
… The NTIA Night Time Economy Summit 2024 is an event hosted in Greater Manchester on the 8th and 9th … where representatives from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), Home Office, Security Industry … Legislation and Policy  The workshop is being held at the event on the 9th Feb. Further details of the workshop will …
… and voluntary sector.     The Consultation is Now Live   Security Minister, Tom Tugendhat, said:  “Simple steps save … and make sure public premises are better prepared in the event of a terror attack.  “I want to make sure that our … in place procedures such as evacuation and lock-ins in the event of an attack.  The new ‘reasonably practicable’ …
… Barrier Asset (NBA) consists of various types of vehicle security barriers and protective security fencing to prevent/mitigate Vehicle Borne terrorist attacks (Vehicle … attacks has increased to cover a diverse range of temporary events such as Sporting, Local and National events working …
… safety advice    Reassure music fans that they are safe and security checks are in place to ensure a safe experience … to report anything that doesn’t feel right immediately to security staff Ensure that everyone who attends a festival, … available on ProtectUK       If you have festivals or events in your area, please download and share the assets on …
… interested in the Competent Persons Scheme (CPS) at the Security and Policing Event in Farnborough. It is evident how much enthusiasm … CT Specialists, with the working title of Counter Terrorism Security Specialists Register (CTSSR) The provisions for …
… of the deep emotion being felt surrounding these tragic events and the high level of interest, not only in … anything that doesn’t seem right immediately to police, security or staff. For more information on what to look out …
… Sign up to our next virtual workshop session! Aimed at security professionals or those with protective security decision-making capabilities within businesses and … … Hear from the experts about improving  protective security and preparedness and progress your knowledge of …
… launched at the end of October, just a few weeks after the events in the Middle East escalated, highlighting the need …