… Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill. The new draft law will ensure that the UK will be better prepared for, and … Bill sets out the requirements that, under Martyn’s Law, venues and other organisations will have to meet to ensure public safety. ‘Martyn’s Law’ is a tribute to Martyn Hett who was killed alongside 21 …
… New laws to make sure we are better prepared for, and protected … such as evacuation and lock-ins in an emergency. … New laws that will scale up preparedness for terrorist attacks, … unnecessary burdens on smaller businesses.   Martyn’s Law will require premises to fulfil necessary but …
… Government officials and senior decision makers across the law enforcement and security sectors. There is no general … Unit to talk about NaCTSO’s commitment to Martyn’s Law and find out how we are supporting businesses and …
… Specialists Register (CTSSR) The provisions for Martyn’s Law and associated Guidance are still in development. We … must also consider any implications arising from Martyn’s Law, if and when it is agreed by Parliament. Every business … about the best way for them to be compliant with Martyn’s Law. Businesses should also ensure that they are comfortable …
… Group providing information and updates regarding Martyn’s Law.     The event space was filled with innovation and … by a session from the Homeland Security Group on a Martyn’s Law update. This was then followed by a panel discussion …
… can come and talk about NaCTSO’s commitment to Martyn’s Law, and find out how NaCTSO are supporting businesses and …
… hear from Figen Murray, the leading advocate for Martyn’s Law, who openly shared her personal journey in relation to …
… goal is to establish a Caliphate ruled under Islamic law. Their headquarters are in Lebanon, and they operate in …
… support for business and security in implementing Martyn’s Law, and a showcase of the capabilities NaCTSO has on offer …