… responsibility to protect against and prepare for attacks.”  The event also led to hundreds more engagements …
Summer tends to be a busy period for most organisations. The season brings an increase in tourism to cities and signals the beginning of key events such as a number of football finals, festivals, or this year the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee which will see gatherings held across the country. 
Communications resources around REMOVE, REMOVE, REMOVE
… and Personnel Access Control Physical Environment Security Cybersecurity Asset Security Service Delivery  …
The National Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Centre (NCBRNC) share an insight into two European commissioned testing and exercising projects.
… fencing to prevent/mitigate Vehicle Borne terrorist attacks (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) … demand for the NBA to provide protection against terrorist attacks has increased to cover a diverse range of temporary …
NPSA, in collaboration with ACT, is proud to announce the publication of Recognising Terrorist Threats a guide for the security professional.
… people grouped and more vulnerable to Vehicle as a Weapon attacks.  … Good housekeeping …
The advice contained in this section is intended to assist Returning Officers to develop a security plan to avoid major disruption to the election process. The recommendations will not be applicable in all cases and should be regarded as a menu of options that could be implemented, taking into account the nature of the threat together with the…